Sunday, March 1, 2009

Reindeer Run

During Fur Rondy in Anchorage, they had a reindeer run down a main street. Well, not "a reindeer" but several male reindeer who spent several hours getting to know a female reindeer. People were allowed to run with them down the street towards a female in heat. I don't think anyone got hurt... It was crowed and cold, so I didn't see much. I wussed out on the second heat and had to go into a store to warm up. Then, we just left to go get coffee and take a ride south towards Girwood. It's a funny comparison to running of the bulls in Spain... running of the reindeer in Anchorage. A nice tradition!


Anonymous said...

I'd like to invite you and your students to participate for free in a virtual 500-mile trek between April 20 and May 12... through Alaska! Details are at Thanks for the Reindeer Run report!

alisha said...

Hey...I'm so glad you are blogging again! And what an experience. I'm so jealous of your adventure in Anchorage.