Monday, June 7, 2010


I've been learning some very interesting things about insects at work this summer. I have been gathering materials for the second grade tundra kit. In second grade, they have an insect theme. Some teachers have asked me to gather more materials for this theme. So, I've been working on this. Today, a biologist let me know that there are some rare dragonflies at Hanger Lake that have been spotted! Cool! He said because of the unusually warm spring, these dragonflies have decided to come out. Dragonflies are more likely to come out at night because of the delicious mosquitoes they feast on. We're supposed to catch them at night because they fly lower to the ground to catch their prey. I found a fantastic net at work and brought it home, hoping to catch some after work. However, as I was riding my bike home, I noticed the dark clouds in the distance and the wind fiercely blowing in my face. Wind + bugs = hard to catch bugs. So, the little storm ruined my plans tonight. I do plan to go bug catching tomorrow during work though. I've got to bring my fingernail polish remover with acetone to drop the dragonflies into. You let them drift in acetone for a couple of days and it helps preserve their colors. Hopefully, I will be able to catch a few and add them to the second grade kit. I will also keep my eye open for water beetle and bees.

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