Monday, December 10, 2007

Couch Experience

One night, just the other night ;), Erin and I were sitting on our couches watching "Holiday in Handcuffs," and I realized I have been lying on the couch too long. So I decided to try a couple of positions to make myself more comfortable. Sometimes, when I am in a restless mood, i like to lay on my back and put my feet up on the back of the couch. I like to put my feet where they don't belong (no you sickos) I mean I walk my feet along the wall or Erin likes to open the window with her feet. The next time I'm bored, I'd like to try something new with my feet. Yes, isn't it sad that I'm having this conversation about my couch habits? But, it was so interesting the other night.
And then I was also thinking that I am blessed to live in Bethel. I complain all the time about walking to school and blah blah, but I think I need to start appreciating my circumstances. People in the villages do not get to walk around as much as we do because... uh, where can they walk? There are the boardwalks, and walking to and from the store or school... but that's about it. However, I can walk practically everywhere; to the store, post office (if I'm feeling lucky) school, Cultural Center, or to a park. I would be so restless in a village because I wouldn't be able to walk around. And, if you do happen to slip off the boardwalks, you'd sink into a foot of water or some mysterious sponginess. Well, I have noticed that I like to blabber about and waste time talking about things that are probably no significance to people who read this. But, isn't that the point of a blog?

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