Friday, September 21, 2007

Field Trip

I took my class and a few others to Meyer's Farm last Thursday. The kids had a wonderful time! Before we left, I asked them what they will look for, and they all said "bunnies and carrots." So, they saw carrots but I don't think bunnies live on the tundra. It was weird to see corn growing. It looked a little puny compared to corn at home, but I heard they were trying to grow it for the first time. The crop will probably be yuck, but at least they tried-- it'll be better next year. They had chickens in a little coop and they tried to get out when we opened the door. The rooster even cockadoodled for us:) It was muddy, rainy, but we all had fun. We even picked turnips to eat for snack when we got back to school. I never had a raw turnip before but it was yummy. We picked some cabbages and made coleslaw today for snack. I reccommend (for anyone visiting Bethel) to visis Meyer's Farm.

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