Saturday, September 29, 2007

Saturday Adventures

:o) No, Angie's not really doing what you're thinking. She's just having spitting problems and I was ordered to take the misleading picture. We were walking back from the library when this incident happened. I thought it'd be great to post something to embarass Angie. Also, Avery had a little walking problem on the way to our house later that day. While running with "boo-boo" he, uh, wiped out on the mean streets of Bethel. Fortunately, "boo-boo" wasn't hurt when Avery wiped out and splattered mud everywhere. We cracked up so bad 'cause we didn't expect him to do that. Thanks for providing the weekend entertainment Avery.

1 comment:

alisha said...

I was just informed that your most recent blog post including adventures with Avery this weekend is missing a picture of him in a chicken outfit...I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT. did you get a pic of that? Please post it if you get a chance.

Thanks for your help with Avery this weekend. I bought that Malibou you will be here next weekend when Ryan comes to town!